PTEN Recognizes TOPDON USA with Award

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 pten award

Outstanding Advertising Found in May’s Edition Earned The Company the Award  

PTEN (Professional Tool & Equipment News) recognizes TOPDON USA for its outstanding advertising. The publication identifies groundbreaking automotive devices and awards industry-leader companies for innovation, high-quality services.  

TOPDON’S advertising achieved outstanding readership as measured against other ads in the magazine’s May edition, according to PTEN. The specific creative that granted the acknowledgment highlights the innovative Topology Map on the Phoenix Series of diagnostics tools. This feature allows users to easily view all car systems in a tree diagram for a relational perspective of issues. 

PTEN is known to be the must-have magazine for any shop owner or automotive technician. The publication is owned by Endeavor Business Media and thrives on providing its readers high quality and informative content on the latest trends and tools. The magazine is the number one source for service/collision repair and aftermarket distribution news.   

“Our marketing team works hard to meet our high standards for creativity in advertising. We know that PTEN is a great channel to promote our constantly expanding product line, and we want to offer the best content possible”, adds Chad Schnitz, TOPDON’s Vice-President. 

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