TOPDON Praised For Customer Service

2 min read
TOPDON Praised For Customer Service

Satisfied Customer Thanks Tech Support Lead and Praises Products 

TOPDON USA's Technical Support frequently receives phone calls of first-time purchasers that need help setting up recently purchased products. Identifying the needs of customers and providing clear step-by-step information to guide the procedures, the company trained and prepared its employees to promptly attend to the customer’s needs and help buyers have a successful experience. 

On Monday, September 6th, TOPDON’s tech support lead received a phone call from a customer regarding their T-Ninja 1000. The customer had recently purchased the tool in order to reprogram car keys for their clients but had issues setting up their new key programming tool. So, the buyer called the customer support line at TOPDON, and Jiles Nerahoo, the head of Tech Support, walked them through the process.   

One week later, the same customer called back to thank Jiles for his help, saying that the product works very well, and has helped him do key programming in-house now, providing value to his clients. The purchaser mentioned he would be looking into purchasing other TOPDON products in the future due to the quality of the tool, and the excellent customer service. 

“It was wonderful to hear that someone had such a positive experience with our tools. Fortunately for our company, those types of calls are common. Most of the phone calls we answer are first-time buyers, and many of our customers will call us back to tell us how much they like our products. We always aim to give the best customer service, phone calls like those tell us we are doing our job right.” says Jiles Nerahoo, Head of TOPDON USA Tech Support.  

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